Tuesday, August 3, 2010


hye there!
I'm write again in this site..
nothing special but juz want to share about life...

What is the meaning of life if there is totally no problem in our daily life .

It is easier to say we must solve the problem than we solve that problem.
But, life is not easy that we are expected.

One more, it takes few minutes to know someone, but to forget someone it takes most of our times to try forget the person..
Sounds funny, but that is the reality.

I am too tired to forget the person we take care of. meanwhile, he is actually infront of me and we always know what he doing.
To mad with the person of he flirt of and care most than us.
Too tired of being act and too much heartbroken.

If the word "IF" is the most reliable, I want to turnback the time so that I be able to say do not and never befriend with him...
want or not, as a student, i must be professionals to coop with him.
I am not too cruel to hate him so much.
But deep inside my heart, I hate the way I love him.